Discover Arlington Street Church

Perhaps it’s the Red Sox, Harvard University, or the iconic Freedom Trail is most popular and iconic attractions of Boston. But nestled among the bustling city streets is a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed by tourists and locals alike, the Arlington Street Church. This iconic church has stood tall on the corner of Arlington and Boylston streets for over 200 years, bearing witness to the ever-changing landscape of the city.


The Arlington Street Church is located at 351 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116. It is within walking distance of popular tourist attractions such as the Boston Public Garden, Copley Square, and Newbury Street.


The church was founded in 1729 as the West Church, but it wasn’t until Reverend William Ellery Channing arrived in 1803 that it took on its current name. Channing, a prominent figure in the Unitarian movement, brought new ideas and perspectives to the church, making it a center for liberal thought and social activism.

Throughout its history, the Arlington Street Church has undergone several renovations and expansions, but its distinctive white façade with towering columns remains a familiar sight in the Back Bay skyline.

Explore and See

Inside, visitors are greeted by stunning Gothic Revival architecture, with intricate stained-glass windows and a soaring ceiling. The church is known for its Tiffany-stained glass windows, which depict biblical scenes and religious figures. These windows are considered some of the finest in the country and are a must-see for any art or history enthusiast.

 In addition to its architectural beauty, the Arlington Street Church also has a rich history of social activism. It was one of the first churches in Boston to have an integrated congregation and was a key location for abolitionist meetings during the Civil War. The church continues to be a champion for social justice and equality, hosting events and initiatives that promote inclusivity and diversity.

The Arlington Street Church may not be as well-known as other historic landmarks in Boston, but it is definitely worth a visit. From its fascinating history to its stunning architecture, there is something for everyone to appreciate at this hidden gem in the heart of the city. So, next time you find yourself in Boston, be sure to make a stop at the Arlington Street Church and discover all that it has to offer. Remember, sometimes the best things are found off the beaten path.

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